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Free of charge, you can book up to 5,000 km of rides. For more rides, choose one of the packages. You can also use the log book separately without using the other SuperFaktura features.

20 000 km package

Price: 1 000 Kč
(50 Kč / 1 000 km)
Try it for free

PLUS first 5 000 km free of charge.

50 000 km Package

Price: 2 250 Kč
(45 Kč / 1 000 km)
Try it for free

PLUS first 5 000 km free of charge.

Package 100 000km

Price: 3 750 Kč
(37,50 Kč / 1 000 km)
Try it for free

PLUS first 5 000 km free of charge.

Package 300 000km

Price: 9 990 Kč
(33,30 Kč / 1 000 km)
Try it for free

PLUS first 5 000 km free of charge.

These prices do not include VAT


Thanks to SMS messages, you can send out reminders before and after you expect invoices to be paid, directly from the SuperFaktura. Or even better, set up automatic messages and they will send automatically.

Package 25 SMS

Price: 103 Kč
(4,12 Kč / per each)

Package 50 SMS

Price: 199 Kč
(3,98 Kč / per each)

Package 100 SMS

Price: 380 Kč
(3,80 Kč / per each)

Package 500 SMS

Price: 1818 Kč
(3,64 Kč / per each)

These prices do not include VAT

Post stamps

You can use them to send invoices to your clients via Czech Post. Do not waste your time and money by going to the post office. We will print your invoice, wrap it and send it to you.

Pack of 5 stamps

Price: 130 Kč
(26 Kč / per each)

Pack of 10 stamps

Price: 250 Kč
(25 Kč /per each)

Pack of 50 stamps

Price: 1 200 Kč
(24 Kč / per each)

Pack of 100 stamps

Price: 2 300 Kč
(23 Kč / per each)

These prices do not include VAT