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Advantages for you

Quick invoice payment

Clients complete online payments within 6 days from the invoice issue date on average. With a payment card Barion your payment terms will shorten significantly and you may have the funds on your account on the same day, regardless of from which bank the client paid.

Lowest transaction fees

Only PayPal payments offer comparable speed, but their fee is more than three times higher. In cooperation with Barion, we offer the best online payment conditions on the Czech market.

No monthly fees

You only pay a fee for real payments. Nothing else. There is no account to maintain and no minimum monthly turnover.

Supported payment gateways


The ubiquitous payment gateway, supports card payments in addition to online transfers. A suitable method, mainly for foreign clients. However, the disadvantage is higher payment fees.


· from 1.9% to 3.4% + fixed fee of approximately CZK 10 (depending on monthly turnover)

logo PayPal


Payment gateway with the lowest long-term fees on the market. You can use the payment buttons of Czech banks and, of course, card payments.

· 0.99% for card payments
Payment buttons:
· 0.89% for turnover of over CZK 80,000/month
· 0.99% for turnover of up to CZK 80,000/month

logo Barion

Advantages for your clients

Extremely simple to use

Online payments represent the simplest form of payment. Simply click on the button on the invoice or email, select your bank and confirm payment.

There is no transcription of details

All details necessary for payment (account number, amount, variable symbol, and more) are transferred directly into the client’s Internet banking. There is no reason to simply put off paying invoices until later.

Card payments accepted

You can also accept card payments to simplify the payment process for your clients even more.